clients image about forest teahouse from eth architecture diploma

Clients and References:

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA/EDA
Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation SDC/DEZA
Embassy of Switzerland in Japan
Presence Switzerland PRS
Swiss Cultural Fund Korea
ETH Zurich
Lucerne University of Applied Arts
Akku Art Foundation
Romerohaus Luzern
Hochparterre Magazine
Stadt Aarau

Kengo Kuma & Assosciates, Tokyo
Gigon Guyer architects, Zurich
Bétrix & Consolascio architects, Zurich
Helle Architektur, Zurich
Kunstmuseum Appenzell
Noiz architects, Tokyo
Manabu Chiba architects, Tokyo
Jian Ge Investment Group, Beijing
Müller Sigrist architects, Zurich
Cometti Truffer architects, Lucerne
Westenbrink Zollinger architects, Lucerne
Bischof Föhn architects, Zurich
Camponovo Baumgartner architects, Zurich
Wiederkehr-Krummenacher architects, Zug
Gallerie Urs Meile, Lucerne
Red Department, Zurich
Stories AG, Zurich